10 Things DC Wants You To Forget About Wonder Woman

7. When She Lost Those Powers And Became A Mod

Wonder Woman White Suit
DC Comics

Much like Superman, that power-set continued to bulge throughout the Golden and Silver Ages of comic books until Wonder Woman possessed such wild and wacky abilities as ESP, astral projection, telepathy (with or without the Mental Radio), mental control over the electricity in her body, and super breath. No idea what super breath is.

Maybe it just smells super minty.

Anyway, deciding she was getting too big for her britches, DC did away with most of those. In fact unlike Superman - who had the likes of super-kissing struck from his own roster of powers, but retained all the good stuff - Wonder Woman was completely depowered for a time.

Even worse, it was all because of a man: the Amazons claimed they needed to leave this world for another dimension in order to "renew their magic", and Diana renounced her powers and Wonder Woman identity in order to remain with Steve Trevor. The radical reinvention also saw Diana giving herself a "mod" makeover, with lots of white suits in place of the swimsuit costume, in order to go undercover when Trevor was accused of being a double-agent.

The changes saved the flagging book from cancellation, but the depowering of their biggest female character didn€™'t go unnoticed, and was quickly undone and swept under the rug.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/