20 Totally Badass Comic Book Panels‏

18. Alfred Kicks The Stuffing Out Of Superman

Injustice: Gods Among Us has a pretty bonkers backstory, especially for a superhero game. A beat-em-up from the developers of Mortal Kombat, the conceit for making a bunch of DC characters throw down is way more complex than you'd expect. So complex, in fact, that we're currently on our second comic book prequel trying to get people up to speed with why everybody thinks that Superman is a super-douche, why most of the planet has been reduced to rubble, and why The Joker's main squeeze Harley Quinn has started dressing like a reveller at a goth rave. Well, we've yet to get an answer for the latter query, but everything else has been pretty well covered. The series begins with The Joker killing Lois Lane and the rest of the Daily Planet, an action which sets Superman over the edge as he just straight up murders Batman's arch enemy. From there the Man Of Steel goes totally off the deep end, finally using his superior power to enslave the human race and assert his supremacy across the Earth's population. Standing against him, of course, is Batman, who leads a rebellion against his Kryptonian pal. One of the ways he and his lesser-powered heroes do this is by taking magic pills that give them increased strength and endurance, which the Dark Knight unfortunately fails to down before Superman tracks him down and beats the crap out of him. Luckily Bruce Wayne's butler, Alfred Pennyworth, did take the pill, and proceeds to smack Clark Kent around like a total chump. The whole sequence is incredible, but that head butt above might be our fave single image.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/