10 Amazing Video Game Rewards Stupidly Locked Behind 100% Completion

7. Skip Cutscenes - God Of War II

Assassin's Creed Valhalla
SCE Santa Monica

God of War’s post-game rewards do a great job of keeping the player engaged after they beat the game by rewarding the player with special outfits they can unlock for Kratos. Aside from being incredibly stylish (especially the iconic Dairy Bastard), these outfits also alter Kratos’s stats and give the player a chance to try a different playstyle the next time they try to finish the main story.

However, there is one more thing you unlock after beating the game, and the fact that it's been barred from the player for so long is so criminal that the frustration might almost offset the satisfaction of beating the game. The reward in question is the basic ability to skip the game’s cutscenes. Yes, until you beat the game at least once, you are not allowed to skip the cutscenes. In a hack-and-slash action game.

It’s not a huge gripe, considering that the cutscenes in God of War II are actually pretty good, but this choice is still pretty weird considering not everyone might want to play the game for the story. Plus, why let people skip cutscenes at the same moment Kratos can appear in them as a dastardly bovine creature?


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.