10 Annoying Things That Are Ruining Video Games

3. Incomplete, Early-Access Games

god us

Early Access was meant to be a beautiful thing, an opportunity for gamers to essentially get involved with the development of an indie game, giving feedback and helping it come to fruition as the devs tirelessly work on it over the next six months, or year, or, erm, forever, apparently. While some developers have truly embraced Early Access and eventually released a full game that was as much the creation of players' input as the developers' (Prison Architect and Kerbal Space Program, take a bow), Steam is overflowing with half-finished games that are clearly going nowhere.

The problem is, once you've splashed out on such a game with the good intentions of helping see it through to becoming a full release, and six months down the line the developers pull out of it for whatever reason, you're not getting your money back. A huge number of such games remain in limbo - most infamously Peter "All Talk" Molyneux's Godus, which raked in huge money from both Kickstarter and Early Access buyers on Steam, only to be never see completion, renege on all its promises and leave gamers with two mediocre games that are nothing like the one originally promised.

Early Access can be a great thing for gaming, but if it's not better regulated then there's a risk we'll lose faith in the system, which would be a huge loss.


Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.