10 Beloved Video Game Moments That Would Be Too Offensive In 2017

1. Lara Croft's Character Model Being Explained Away As An Accident

Tomb Raider Lara Croft Toby Gard designer

At the time: Western culture didn't really know how to accurately explain or justify Lara Croft. Here we had one of the first female badass game characters ever - one that came with twin-pistols, a take-no-sh*t attitude, intelligence and a 'can-do' mentality - yet was also designed with the most oversized boobs in entertainment history and a waste about the size of her wrist.

Ultimately, it worked. Lara went everywhere from Lucozade commercials to the walls of every horny teenager, the explanation from the developers being that lead designer Toby Gard "accidentally" typed '150%' into the chest portion of her character model, rather than 15%.

Now: It's testament to just how much Bayonetta barely caught on as another 'icon' of gaming, that the gaming world can't justify overly sexualised characters anymore.

Ms. 'Netta had just as much to her as Lara in terms of not just being a walking pin-up model, but as a populace we've almost completely moved on from having characters with such OTT sexy parts, hence why Soul Calibur has also had to go away and rethink its life in regards to one Ivy Valentine.


Are there any other old-school gaming moments that were awesome at the time, yet are now just a LITTLE bit weird? Let us know in the comments!

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