10 Controversial Gaming Opinions You Should Keep To Yourself

6. Dark Souls III Is The Best In The Series

Mario Overrated

Dark Souls I has a place in the gaming pantheon for good reason. It broke ground and made waves in the industry, improving on every possible aspect from Demon's Souls. However, it is not the best in the series. It has an overbearing sphere of nostalgia that keeps people infatuated, but there is a reason people call it a "flawed masterpiece".

Dark Souls III, however, is that masterpiece refined.

It is far more concise and is fundamentally more consistent than the first game. It might not reach the legendary high points from the first game, but it doesn't have those monumental dips in quality. It is a great experience throughout. The mechanics were made better, the systems refined, and the online hammered out.

The original was groundbreaking, but Dark Souls III polished the broken ground into a fine marble plateau. And then there are people who say the second one is the best one. That's an opinion that should very much be kept to yourself.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.