10 Craziest Video Game Myths (That Turned Out To Be True)

8. GTA: Vice City Features A Hidden Scarface Reference

A whole book could be compiled around the various easter eggs RockStar supposedly sneak into the Grand Theft Auto games; there€™s the evergreen Bigfoot sighting, Ratman and the €œhidden€ city in GTA III. A few of them turned out to be true-ish, but most were just players trolling the fanbase.

While Vice City is hardly lacking for references to Scarface €“just take a look around Tommy€™s mansion €“a legend started to emerge of a really well-hidden one. It stated you could find the apartment where Tony Montana€™s friend meet the pointy end of a chainsaw in a bathtub, but most people could never figure out where to find this supposed egg.

It turns out if you drive to Ocean Beach and go to Apartment 3C you€™ll be able to enter and explore, and find a bloody bathroom and a floating chainsaw for your trouble. The apartment has no effect on the story, it€™'s just a neat tip of the hat.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.