10 Cringeworthy Final Fantasy Moments

6. Bad Translations (Various)

Cringegarland Bad translations of the original Japanese script were common in game localisations in the eighties and nineties. Of note were the translations of numerous Final Fantasy titles - ones that were done literally were downright terrible in places, whilst ones done by Ted Woolsey (who has a trope - Woolseyism - named after him) were more tolerable, as he made numerous adaptations to scripts to ensure that they made more sense. Though some mistranslations such as Final Fantasy IV's 'You Spoony Bard' have been widely accepted for their humour despite their ridiculousness, other errors can be highly distracting, as well-plotted story developments are ruined by amateurish translation - who can take a game with a character named Butz seriously, for instance? (Later translations of Final Fantasy V went with Bartz, which has no connotations to the buttocks...)

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.