7. An Action-Adventure Game
BBCWhile carving up hordes of enemies with a melee weapon or gunning them down with extreme prejudice certainly isnt the Doctor's style, he has both friends and enemies who are more than willing to handle the not-so-pleasant side of saving the universe for him. Which is why a fast-paced action-adventure game isnt out of the question for Doctor Who. Its counter-intuitive to the spirit of Doctor Who, which values intelligence and guile above everything else, but conflict in a sci-fi universe means violence of some kind and as long as its not the Doctor dishing it out, it should be fair game. As for the characters who could star in a Doctor Who action-adventure game, the Paternoster Gang spring immediately to mind since theyre all perfectly happy to break out their weapons of choice and start killing anyone who stands in their way. In the case of Strax, there would be a fair amount of crossover with the first-person shooter genre since he doesnt use melee weapons but for Vastra and a Jenny, it could have shades of God Of War. But without the gratuitous dismemberment and gallons of blood spraying everywhere. Alternatively, three other characters that stand out as good choices for an action-adventure game are Rory during his 2000 years guarding the Pandorica, Ace, and Abslom Daak; a chainsword wielding criminal on a relentless quest to wipe out the Daleks. Any one of these four would be the perfect candidate to front an action-adventure game and bring a healthy dose of mindless button mashing mayhem to Doctor Who gaming.