10 Dumb Video Game Heroes With The WORST Motivations

1. Choosing The Wrong Decision Just To See Every Ending - Anything With Moral Choices

Shadow Of The Colossus
Wikipedia/Stevie Shephard

Surprise! Didn't think we'd go after you, did you?

Think about it though. Every game character has a motivation and while plenty are justifiable, there are those that aren't. A game gives you the call to go on a digital adventure.

Sometimes you even get to choose your own character, meaning they are a manifestation of your own choices and desires. It's only fair then that if a game features character creation and morale choices So what's your motivation for playing the game? To have fun.

Okay short stuff. You have your fun.

But let's put this into context then. In Assassin's Creed Odyssey, did you choose to save the family that may have had an infectious disease, then many hours later go back to see what would have happened if you killed them instead?

Chances are that you have condemned as many civilisations to ruin as civilisations you have saved. People lived, died, or had worse things happen to them and it's all because you wanted to get all the endings.

Those things are all on you, and you are the worst.


David Irwin hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.