10 Dumb Video Game Heroes With The WORST Motivations

6. Going To A Spooky Town To Find His Deceased Wife - Silent Hill 2

Shadow Of The Colossus

Hang on, how is this a "bad" motivation?

Getting a letter from your supposedly deceased wife - if the last thing you knew was that she went missing and her death was presumed - is a justifiable reason to travel to a haunted town where monsters do unspeakable things.

But this is Silent Hill 2. James knows how his wife died, and that's what makes him so dumb. I'd give a spoiler warning, but this game is several decades old so here it goes: James killed his wife.

So what is the true motivation then? Guilt? Perhaps he feels bad for his deeds in the past and wants to make amends. I can sort of get that, but why wade through hordes of gibbering monstrosities, manifestations of your own psyche, and a being that represents your darkest desires, just to say that he was sorry?

Don't get me wrong, Silent Hill 2 is one of the best horror games ever made and James's dumb motivation is the driving force behind the most imaginative game in the series. But as a "hero", or even a villain, James is being incredibly thick.


David Irwin hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.