10 Exceptional Moments In Otherwise Disappointing Video Games

7. The Templar Reveal - Assassin’s Creed III

Assassin's Creed III 3

When it comes to standout moments in the entire Assassin’s Creed series, you’d be hard-pressed to beat the sudden reveal of Haytham Kenway as a Templar.

The sudden shock value alone as you realise you have been serving the enemy all along and fighting back against the titular Assassins and their oh-so important creed. Not only is it shocking, but it opens up the interesting dynamic of question whether or not the assassins are 'good'.

A refreshing change from heralding them as the second coming of Christ.

Despite how much AC III was the first monumental misstep in the franchise's history, I’ll be damned if it didn’t have its moments - this being one of the finest.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.