10 Exceptional Moments In Otherwise Disappointing Video Games

6. Shaving Lenny - Hitman Absolution

hitman absolution
IO Interactive

Absolution started of well with its first few missions, but the game slowly became less about the stabby stabby and more about the story story.

Not a good trade off for the whole assassin idea. The charm that Blood Money had was somewhat lost in Absolution, giving Agent 47 a soul when in my eyes he was just craving his next neck to stab.

But if that is the case, we must at least recognise that halfway through when you reach the barber-shop mission, the game regains its footing. Tight and interconnected with multiple options to stage accidents or simply go on a massacre, it harkened back to the days of Blood Money perfectly.

Oh, and that ice cream truck Easter Egg in the desert was so good, too.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.