10 Exceptional Moments In Otherwise Disappointing Video Games

5. The Molag Bal Fight - The Elder Scrolls Online

elder scrolls online molag bal

This was going to be an uphill battle to begin with. In the wake of Skyrim, pushing an MMO in the elder scrolls universe was going to be hard. With MMO’s being notoriously big and expansive, getting it just right would be difficult. Especially when competing with the grand daddy of all MMO’s, World Of Warcraft.

People were expecting Skyrim Online, which was a somewhat unfair expectation.

What we got was a decent game with massive amounts of content and areas to explore and some rather likeable characters. It tried its best to subvert the usual questing stigmas of get five of these and succeeded quite well. But it wasn’t Skyrim so people bashed it. It also wasn’t as refined as it could be, but it wasn’t bad.

But play right through to the end and you face Molag Bal. After completing the ritual, you are blessed with the powers of Akatosh, and begin your walk to the God of Domination. Blasting through walls and decimating enemies, you finally face down your enemy with a boss battle that was surprisingly fun and a step above the Alduin fight. Not to mention its quite the spectacle, and caps of a great adventure through whatever faction you chose.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.