10 Exceptional Moments In Otherwise Disappointing Video Games

3. The Mirror Knight - Dark Souls 2

dark souls 2 mirror knight

Where Dark Souls had an interconnected world with mystery, intrigue and terrifying moments around every corner, Dark Souls 2 was just too dull.

Enemies were standard, bosses were different variants on 'giant guy in armour', and the lore was shoehorned in as moments of sorrow where friends and foes succumbed to 'the darkness of the curse' were lost. Mechanically, it improved a lot of Dark Souls, but lost a ton of that original charm in the process.

And then came Mirror Knight. Arriving at the boss door, you step out on a open arena, rain falling as a storm rises all around, crumbling ruins framing what stands ahead.

A shining knight, wielding a great mirror shield and a sword. For the first time, you feel like you are on even footing, fighting somewhat as equals. This is without mentioning the brilliantly unique online element of the fight where other player are summoned through the Knight's shield to fight alongside him, adding an element of dynamic difficulty we've not seen in anything else.

All in all, just a damn fine fight, then it was off to shrine of Amana, but the less said about that, the better.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.