10 Exceptional Moments In Otherwise Disappointing Video Games

2. It Looked Good, Right? - The Order: 1886

The Order 1886
Ready At Dawn

Being one of the launch titles for the PS4, we all expected big things. I mean, what isn’t to love.? Gun-toting knights of the round table hunting werewolves in Victorian London, with graphics that could make any high budget blockbuster movie quiver at the knees.

We expected greatness, but what we got was a short, standard cover-based shooter with an empty world and very few werewolves.

But in that, Ready at Dawn hallmarked something special. It pushed the graphical fidelity of the console and proved that it was capable of stunning visuals with movie quality depth. Yeah, gameplay might not have been brilliant, but it was beautiful, a true testament to the capability of modern gaming and game developers overall.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.