10 Huge 2017 Video Game Rumours You're Not Supposed To Know

7. Two New Generations Will Be Released For Pokémon Go

Pokemon GO
Niantic, Inc

When it finally arrived in July, Pokémon Go pretty much took the world by storm. All manner of records were broken as the mobile app became immensely popular and even overtook the likes of Twitter as one of the most downloaded in Europe and the U.S. Developer Niantic confirmed that they have plans to keep this mobile game running for years, and new content is expected next year.

Just how much new content, however, comes in light of suggestions that the game is already struggling to maintain its meteoric rise in popularity. Reports about players abandoning the game are rife, and it's also said that the players who are still active are spending less and less time on it. This was expected, given that their are a finite number of monsters to capture, but few expected such a quick decline.

Niantic's initial plans for the future of the app include added features like trading between players and more Pokémon from newer generations, but this was scheduled to be spread out over a number of years. Now it's being suggested that this needs to be compressed in order to retain player interest, suggesting that Pokémon from the second and third generations could be added before the end of 2017.

If this means I can get hold of a Sceptile sooner rather than later, I'm all for it!


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.