10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists Of 2018

6. Atreus' True Identity - God Of War

Far Cry 5 Nuke

Though an excellent series of games prior to what might be considered Santa Monica Studios’ magnum opus, the God of War titles weren’t usually known for their plotlines. Sure, the systematic extermination of ancient Grecian deities was amazing, but, aside from that whole accidental family murder bit, there wasn’t a lot of hard narrative.

2018’s plainly-titled God of War was a significant change for the franchise in that regard. Kratos was certainly keeping secrets, but so was his spouse. As it turns out, Faye was a Giant who foretold the adventures of her husband and son long before they first set out to spread their mothers ashes, and it only gets weirder from there.

The series didn’t have anything to do with Norse mythology until this year, but they certainly did an exemplary job of adapting the lore. While fans new Kratos’ son as Arteus, it turns out that his mother called him by her different name when among her people.

The reveal that Arteus is actually Loki—the Norse trickster God born of a Giant mother—was as puzzling as it was unexpected. God of War fans usually need no payoff aside from slaughter, and this was an unprecedented surprise.

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Far Cry 5
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Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.