10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists Of 2018

5. Merging With Part Of Madeline - Celeste

Far Cry 5 Nuke
Matt Makes Games

Celeste is a challenging platformer which tasks the player with seeing Madeline, the title’s protagonist, to the top of Celeste Mountain. During her adventure she is haggered by her dark alter-ego, known as Part of Madeline, which prevents her from ascending to the top.

At the outset, Part of Madeline seems like a relatively standard antagonist—a twisted doppelganger which needs to be beaten. Yet, the narrative undergoes a bit of a twist when, near the game’s finale, Part of Madeline confronts the protagonist and essentially pushes her off of the mountain.

Upon waking up and finding herself back at the base of Celeste Mountain, Madeline encounters an NPC who tells her that, rather than fighting Part of Madeline, she should try to reason with her.

This is where the real narrative twist comes in: Part of Madeline isn’t beaten. Rather, the two come to terms and merge into one being. This is meant to be analogous to the struggles of those living with mental disorders like anxiety and depression, and it was a surprisingly in-depth narrative for such a gameplay-heavy title.

In this post: 
Far Cry 5
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Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.