10 Overpowered Video Game Exploits You Can Use In The First HOUR

1. Ralof And Hadvar - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Seeing as in Skyrim you play as a godlike hero with a dragon’s soul, it only makes sense that you’d have an edge over every other enemy in the game. If you want to claim your legendary power without having to spend hours on it though, the starting location of Helgen can help you get the edge you need.

During the starting sequence in which you escape from Helgen with either Ralof or Hadvar, the two of you come across a sleeping bear. This is the only location in Helgen in which your companion of choice will stop leading the escape and follow you instead. It's also the only location where you’re allowed to beat up your follower without any consequences.

Because Hadvar and Ralof are immortal and they aren’t programmed to attack you at this point, you can level up your weapon, magic, and stealth skills to whatever level you want by simply unleashing all of your arsenal onto their poor, unsuspecting bodies.

It takes less than an hour of stealth attacking them to get your sneak attack to a 100, and you can technically stay there and farm other skills even longer.

And don’t worry, Hadvar and Ralof won’t mind. They’re Bethesda NPCs, after all.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.