10 Overpowered Video Game Exploits You Can Use In The First HOUR

3. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Book Duplication - Fallout 4

baldurs gate 3

It's not that difficult to level up in Fallout 4, but gathering enough skill points to get all the perks you want can be quite tedious. You only get one perk per level, so it takes forever to unlock everything.

Luckily, there is an item you can find at the beginning of the game that grants you an instant free skill point. And if you learn how to combine a couple of exploits, you can duplicate this item and reap its benefits indefinitely.

The item in question is the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. book you can find in Shaun's old room in Sanctuary. After you gain the free point from it, what you'll want to do is empty your inventory, so you only have the book and any melee weapon. You then need to rename the weapon to "x" and press both the modify and scrap buttons at the same time when applying an upgrade.

This will delete the weapon AND create a copy of the book with the free skill point. Afterward, you can create more copies of it by using the same simultaneous button-pressing technique, in the settlement menu.

It can be a bit hard to pull off, but once you manage to duplicate the book, you'll be able to walk into Concord with the experience of a true wasteland survivor.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.