10 Reasons Super Mario Odyssey Isn't Game Of The Year

7. It's Pretty Repetitive

Super Mario Odyssey Broodals

As fun as Odyssey is, it's also a relatively repetitive game at its core, hurling the player into kingdom after kingdom where the goal is basically the same gameplay loop: collect moons through platforming shenanigans before battling a boss or two and moving onto the next kingdom.

Perhaps this is why Odyssey is so much fun for quick 20-30 minute sessions, yet over a series of hours the rigour, especially when hoovering up moons to unlock post-game content, can be a little rough.

The boss fights can also be a little eye-rolling on occasion, especially the continued appearance of the Broodals (and their unpleasant character designs don't help). Haven't we all gotten a little bored of "jump on their head three times" boss battles by now?

Obviously this is a formula that has served Mario well over the years, but given how inventive Odyssey is in places, it's a shame the spine is still so familiar.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.