10 Reasons Super Mario Odyssey Isn't Game Of The Year

5. The Plot Is Still Non-Existent

Super Mario Odyssey Bowser Peach

Yes, most Mario fans won't have been expecting much in the way of a unique or original plot, but would it kill Nintendo to put a little more effort into their narratives every now and then?

Nobody's asking for lengthy cut-scenes and a Hideo Kojima-aping level of dialogue, but something more substantial than "Bowser has kidnapped Peach, so go rescue her!" would be nice.

Though Odyssey's ending does provide one hilarious subversion of the usual, arguably sexist narrative formula of these games, the plot is still wafer-thin, even for the subterranean standards of the platforming genre. Seriously, Knack 2 had a more nuanced story, guys. Knack freaking 2!

One of the core tenets of GOTY is surely an inventive and innovative narrative with fleshed-out, nuanced characters, and this is one major area where Odyssey just doesn't measure up.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.