10 Things Open-World Games Need To STOP DOING

2. Unskippable Cutscenes

open world assassins creed valhalla

Cutscenes are ever-present in open-world games, acting as one of the best ways of advancing the story and giving players a well-earned reward for their progress. However, one of the most infuriating parts of the experience is when players are subjected to watching the same cutscenes over and over again whenever they die at a certain checkpoint.

Be it cinematics, in-game scenes or even textboxes that require manual scrolling to get through, most of these cutscenes are completely un-skippable.

The worst time to die is right after a cutscene plays and the developers have only enabled saving before it, meaning players are forced to either sit there and watch the same cinematics, or scroll through dialogue before finally being able to get going again.

There's no reason not to have the option, so please developers, make sure every cutscene is skippable in future, or at least get better with checkpoint placement.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.