10 Things We Know About PES 2018

8. The PC Game Will Finally Equal Console Versions

PES 2017 PC

As any PC owner with a gaming rig so huge it could quite possibly power the lights at the Camp Nou will tell you, the computer version of PES 2017 was not worth owning. Konami just couldn't seem to get it right with the PC iteration, and it paled in comparison to releases on PS4 and Xbox One.

Hell, PES 2017 on PC was barely more impressive than the old PS3 and Xbox 360 releases. That's unforgivable, because PC gamers spend oodles of cash on their hardware so that they are ensured of top quality experiences. Buggy messes that crash out and look sub-par next to last-gen systems don't represent bang for your buck.

Konami are in the process of allaying fears that 2018 will suffer the same glitch-ridden issues. Now, the developers claim PES 2018 will play equally across all formats. That's the way it should be. People who purchase the game for PC shouldn't do so knowing they're getting a lesser product.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.