10 Things You Didn't Know About Heavy Rain

7. Madison Paige Originally Had A Larger Backstory

Heavy Rain
Sony Interactive Entertainment

Of Heavy Rain's four protagonists, journalist Madison Paige feels like a character whose inclusion is cynical at best, and deeply troubling at worst. Despite her status as an intrepid reporter on the trail of the Origami Killer, her actual appearances consist of taking her clothes off, fighting off home invaders in her underwear, nearly getting raped, being forced to perform a striptease, potentially dying by a drill to the vagina and - worst of all - becoming a love interest for Ethan Mars. What was it I said about David Cage being a total creep again?

What's especially sad about this is that there was originally a lot more to Madison's character. Behind the scenes footage contains a scene in which Madison explains her prior experience as a combat journalist in the Middle East. After being powerless to stop a terrorist attack, Madison blamed herself and as a result has been left with PTSD and insomnia, both of which are alluded to in the game. Sure, we'd still have had to endure the laundry list of creepy trash mentioned above, but at the very least it could have been happening to a character with some depth and complexity.

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Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.