10 Video Game Hoaxes That Completely Fooled Everyone

3. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time - No Triforce For You!

You could probably be forgiven for believing that a game featuring the central idea of an all-powerful relic known as the Triforce actually contained access to said relic, and that€™s entirely what this hoax was based on. When Nintendo, pressured for a screenshot, released a beta image of Link obtaining the full, undivided triforce, fans immediately assumed that this would happen in game. When it didn€™t, many were left disappointed. That€™s when the numerous guides and methods hit the youngling internet (you have to remember, back then, people lying online was still a relatively new thing) detailing how to obtain the full Triforce. That€™s why many then wasted innumerable hours launching bombs into lava pits, being at a certain location at a certain time in a certain time period or even defeating Ganon without 0 deaths and without Boggoron€™s sword. Suffice it to say, it was and is the wildest of wild goose chases. The Triforce isn€™t a thing you can attain, it€™s not an actual object; it€™s an intangible idea, like heaven. Despite this, thousands still followed guides meticulously, insistent on the belief that they could find it. Unfortunately, they couldn€™t, no more than they could find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.