10 Video Games Everyone Loves To Hate (That Totally Don't Deserve It)

8. Watch_Dogs

Watch Dogs

The Consensus: "The graphics are terrible", "It doesn't look like 'the next generation' of anything"

The Truth: Ubisoft mustn't have many feet left after royally emptying shell after shell into them over the past few years, but Watch Dogs is less a shot and more a full-on harakiri.

Had Ubi not demoed the game running in a state that consoles could never match, we'd be none the wiser, but once it released and looked markedly worse (after a few month-long delay, no less), PC gamers promptly discovered a ton of unused render files that could make everything look spectacular again.

Ubi were adamant Watch Dogs hadn't been downgraded, but we could see it had, resulting in something that people were too annoyed to even want to view with an open mind.

Say you did though, what Ubisoft released was a perfectly serviceable open-world action game. Shooting was tight and responsive, as were the cover mechanics and arcady feel to driving. The added hacking abilities meant you could scout areas ahead and mess with guards by hopping between various camera and distractions, Batman: Arkham-style.

It may not have been the all-singing, all-dancing conga into the next generation it was advertised to be, but as a video game with technical proficiency and enjoyable mechanics, you could always get a lot of fun out of Watch Dogs.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.