10 Video Games That Deserve A Remake

6. Wing Commander

final fantasy IX 9
Origin Systems

The series of sci-fi flight simulators was a big hit when originally released, combining a great ace-fighter-pilot-battles-alien-monsters plot with spectacular flight gameplay in outer space.

The third and fourth numbered entries utilised full-motion video cutscenes to great effect in telling the story, bolstered by a stellar cast including Mark Hamill, Malcolm McDowell, John Rhys-Davies and Jason Bernard.

Technological advances would now make the FMV unnecessary, meaning that a new entry/reboot could create an even more immersive world, and with video game storytelling at an all-time high, you have to believe that there could be something very special made in this universe.

The missions themselves would look incredible on modern hardware, with games such as No Man’s Sky showing that expansive space environments and planet-side skirmishes can be created seamlessly, giving huge new opportunities for in-game missions.

“The world’s most cinematic game” is ripe and poised for a comeback.


Purveyor of useless information, mostly concerning gaming, pro wrestling and British sitcoms.