10 Ways Far Cry 5 Will Save The Franchise

7. Everyone In The World Has Purpose

Far Cry 5

While there were plenty of characters and NPCs present in previous Far Cry games, very few had anything resembling a personality or purpose, instead just taking up space in the world (and rudely blocking doors you needed to get through). Hell, the animals you hunted often had more going on than any of the people you were saving.

In order to make the world feel genuinely occupied, just about every NPC in the latest game has a purpose, big or small. Freed prisoners that you liberate from outposts can be drafted into your band of mercenaries, while good deeds will increase the chances of characters you haven't met responding to you positively thanks to your reputation.

Outside of combat the people you meet will give you quests, act as vendors or just clue you in on points of interest to investigate. Nobody in the world is there to simply take up space or act as set dressing. Instead, the devs are trying to humanise every one of them, and make players feel like they're actually contributing to building a community and strengthening their support.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3