10 Ways Far Cry 5 Will Save The Franchise

6. Companions Add A Whole New Level Of Depth To Combat

Far Cry 5

As previously mentioned, not only can you recruit NPC mercenaries to help you out during battle, but you also have at least three people you can draft into being genuine companions, Fallout style.

Taking the form of a trusty (and deadly) canine, a stealth-based sniper and a beardy badass pilot, each one has their own strengths and weakness that can completely change the way you approach different combat encounters. It's a little like the system from MGS V only on a grander scale, with your style of play informing which companions you bring along for the ride.

Find yourself suddenly surrounded by enemies? No worries, the pilot is always waiting in the wings to swoop in on a strafe run. Want to stick to stealth? The sniper is always in position to take out those difficult-to-reach targets.

It's nothing the open world genre hasn't seen before, but it should go a long way in shaking up Far Cry's stellar, but rinse-and-repeat, combat.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3