10 Ways Far Cry 5 Will Save The Franchise

4. Relationships Literally Shape The World

Far Cry 5

Although I've already mentioned that each character in Far Cry - even seemingly uninteresting NPCs - will have something to do, interacting with them is also essential in opening up the world and knowing where to go next.

As towers that unlock new parts of the map are gone, forging relationships with characters is how players will open up the landscape, clear the fog from their map and gain new quests. Consequently, in order to be more efficient at exploring the world you have to get acquainted with the setting, with points of interest being discovered naturally through conversation and investigating on your own.

It's a great way to encourage diving completely into the world, as you'd miss out on a wealth of content by breezing through locations and not integrating with the people of Hope County.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3