10 Worst Celebrity Video Game Performances

6. David Duchovny – XIII

Ghostbusters Bill Murray

David Duchovny’s laid back style doesn’t translate well to voiceover work, where he just sounds either bored or stoned. His work in Area 51 could double as a cure for insomnia, but XIII is the gold standard when it comes to Duchovny just not bothering.

He plays an amnesiac assassin who may or may not have killed the President, so he has to stab and shoot his way to the truth. The game has a unique comic book look, the gameplay is fun and the plot is surprisingly engaging. What lets it down is Duchovny’s droning performance as the title character, where he emotes with all the passion of a man reading an instruction manual.

He maintains the same level of energy for any situation, be it having a quiet conversation or being stuck in a life or death gunfight, something that seriously drains the game of dramatic tension.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.