10 Wrestlers Who Didn’t Deserve To Be On The Cover Of A Wrestling Game

1. Raven - WCW/NWO Revenge

WCW/NWO Revenge

It’s been something of a mystery for years why Raven featured on the cover for the WCW/nWo Revenge game released in 1998 for the Nintendo 64. His appearance on the cover is striking as he’s stood next to WCW headliners like Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Goldberg. He is very much the odd wrestler out, given he was severely underused in the promotion, especially compared to his legendary rise in ECW.

Many believed Raven was there on the artwork because the cover was showcasing the four roster groups World Championship Wrestling had at the time in nWo, Wolfpac, The Flock and general WCW. But no, Raven recently revealed on Twitter why he graced the cover:

“To answer the burning question (hopefully not in your crotches), of why I was on the cover of the video game... The guy who created the game told me later, that I was his favorite wrestler so he put me on the cover…”

So there you go. Another example of WCW management being so clueless that Raven could sneak on to the centre of their video game next to bona fide headliners without them realizing.

In this post: 
Stacy Keibler
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Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.