10 Wrestling Video Game Moments That Became Real

5. Chris Benoit's Death

Randy Orton WWE SmackDown vs. Raw TLC 2013

This is grim, and there's no getting away from that.

In SmackDown vs. Raw 2007, The Undertaker chillingly fired out a warning to one Chris Benoit. Here's what he said during one, unforgettable cutscene: "If you insist on making this mistake, your grieving family will have no-one to blame but you when the inevitable occurs".

Jesus. The game was released in November 2006. Approx eight months or so later, Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their young son were all found dead at home. The tragedy became hot news overnight and sent the entire industry into a vicious cycle of doubts and controversy - it'd never be the same again.

THQ chiefs obviously didn't know what they were doing when they programmed some ominous 'Taker dialogue into their game, but... man, how eerie. The Undertaker's avatar accurately predicted the tragedy by using words like "grieving family", "no-one to blame but you" and "inevitable".

Right, let's make things a little cheerier again!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.