14 Most Memorable Closing Lines In Video Game History

6. "Ascension"- Call Of Duty: Black Ops

Call Of Duty: Black Ops is one of the better titles to come out of the long list of games in the series in recent years, mainly due to the intriguing plot, the refined graphics and gameplay, and the ever popular Zombies Mode. Black Ops, while not the main reason for the then young series' growth, definitely played a big part in the rise of COD's popularity, selling the most games in the series until Ghosts. Black Ops has the player take control of Alex Mason, as well as other characters for a majority of the game, with twists and turns at almost every point of the extensive and engaging story; however, the biggest twist came at the game's conclusion. During the story, it is revealed that when Mason was captured he was subjected to a brainwashing experiment so he could assassinate the president. After some more missions and revelations, the game reaches it's conclusion at a long mission on the Russian cargo ship Rusalka, ending with the death of antagonist Nikita Dragovich, with Mason and company escaping from the flooding vessel to rescue. In a post-credits scene, archive data shows Dallas and the procession that President Kennedy was in the day he was assassinated, with Mason revealed in the crowd as he mutters the single word "ascension". The implication that Mason may have committed the assassination was a brilliant way to end the game, and the scene has lead to debates that have lasted a lot longer than the playing longevity of Ghosts.

16 year old with a passion for gaming and telling people my opinions. Definitely a Square Enix fanboy. Current junior in high school, debates for said high school, and also has a Youtube Channel (not for said high school) at http://www.youtube.com/user/NinjaSquirtle22.