14 Most Memorable Closing Lines In Video Game History

7. "Thank You For Playing. And See You Next."- Ninja Gaiden (NES)

Tecmo's original Ninja Gaiden is one of the most influential NES games ever released and though it was occasionally horrifically difficult, it had a fantastic story to boot. The player takes control of ninja Ryu Hayabusa during his long journey to avenge the death of his father, and his quest for revenge is easily one of the most engaging in erly gaming history. While actually advancing enough to see the entirety of the plot play out is definitely a feat to be had, the game was still a rewarding experience with its smooth gameplay, fantastic score, and cutscenes that were revolutionary for its time. While the regular ending itself was a nice way to wrap up the story, it was the post-credit message from the developers that qualifies it here. After Ryu finally finds the man who duelled his father, realises that he is not dead, and is then saved by him from a demon, the game ends on a pleasant note as the young ninja has a romantic moment with Irene Lew, a woman he had numerous run-ins with on his long journey. However, after the cutscene and a round of credits, a small message appears from Tecmo, thanking the player for their time and seemingly waiting to see them again in the form of a sequel. While probably a result of wanting to get the player ready for another potential game, the courteous nature of the statement is a classy move and a great way to close any title.

16 year old with a passion for gaming and telling people my opinions. Definitely a Square Enix fanboy. Current junior in high school, debates for said high school, and also has a Youtube Channel (not for said high school) at http://www.youtube.com/user/NinjaSquirtle22.