14 Most Memorable Closing Lines In Video Game History

5. "You Defeated"- Dark Souls

Dark Souls is the instantly recognizable game that has been a classic in just a few short years, mainly due to its cult following and insane difficulty level. The spiritual successor to Demon Souls, Dark Souls has been lauded for its original gameplay mechanics and minimalist approach when it came to story, leaving the player to piece together the plot from whatever the game gives them, and never taking them by the hand to guide them through play. In that regard, while the story may be thin and there really much to go on if a player wants to enjoy the plot, there still is one line that will bring a smile to any adventurer's face. Like most action RPG's, the player encounters regular run-of-the-mill enemies and boss characters in the game, and while the normal difficulty spike is to be expected between the two classes in most games, in Dark Souls the discrepancy is ramped up significantly. Boss fights in Dark Souls are incredibly difficult - frustratingly so in fact - and winning them takes both luck and skill, along with proper planning. After defeated a boss character, the phrase "You Defeated" will flash over the screen, signalling victory over the foe, and inevitably washing the player in a wave of relief and triumph. While not a closer to the story, it is definitely a fine finish to any boss battle because of what it represents.

16 year old with a passion for gaming and telling people my opinions. Definitely a Square Enix fanboy. Current junior in high school, debates for said high school, and also has a Youtube Channel (not for said high school) at http://www.youtube.com/user/NinjaSquirtle22.