14 Most Memorable Closing Lines In Video Game History

10. "When At Last We Meet Again..."- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney: Justice For All

Phoenix Wright: Justice for All was the second in the original trilogy of games, and just like the first, provided humour and hijinks while simultaneously also tackling serious subject matter in a perfect blend of fun and sombreness. Phoenix's main opponent is prosecutor Franziska von Karma, a prodigy from Germany who maintained a perfect win streak starting at the age of 13 and who, with whip in hand, rained down pain on Phoenix and Co. for a majority of the game, both physically and mentally. Players were in for a shock during the game's post-credits scene. In the extremely difficult final case, von Karma was shot in the shoulder to prevent her from prosecuting, as the assassin that Phoenix's client hires feels this will ensure the attourney gets an acquittal. However, Franziska is still able to assist Phoenix outside and inside the court room, which brings the case to a close. The shock is not that von Karma assists Phoenix, her so-called rival, but that when she leaves to return to Germany, she wants to meet him again in the future. Her change of heart at the end of the game tugs at the heartstrings after taking into account the events of the game, and was a great way to end the journey.

16 year old with a passion for gaming and telling people my opinions. Definitely a Square Enix fanboy. Current junior in high school, debates for said high school, and also has a Youtube Channel (not for said high school) at http://www.youtube.com/user/NinjaSquirtle22.