14 Most Memorable Closing Lines In Video Game History

9. "That Warrior Was You!"- Final Fantasy

The original Final Fantasy is one of those classic jewels that every gamer appreciates, and rightly so. While recent titles have turned even hardcore fans away, the first in the long line of games deservedly earns its spot in gaming history for its highly advanced graphics for the time, fantastic score, and innovate gameplay that practically defined the RPG genre. The game was executed well for the most part, and after hard and numerous battles, the heroes finally come face to face with Chaos, god of discord, and then after his defeat, the heroes can return home, and the player gets their reward by way of epilogue. After a long series of events ending with a case of a time travel paradox where the main antagonist is sent back in time by the Four Fiends so he can send them to the future to save himself, the fate of the heroes is revealed; basically saying how their deeds, while saving the world, renders their adventure to pure legend and nothing more. However, in the closing statement, it is "revealed" that the main hero was actually the player, and it was really them who saved the day, offering satisfying closure to the journey as well as an ego boost to the player.

16 year old with a passion for gaming and telling people my opinions. Definitely a Square Enix fanboy. Current junior in high school, debates for said high school, and also has a Youtube Channel (not for said high school) at http://www.youtube.com/user/NinjaSquirtle22.