20 Moments That Made The Resident Evil Series Iconic

6. The Tyrant Fight - Resident Evil

Resident Evil Tyrant.png

The Tyrant is the end boss of the original game and is introduced by a cocky Wesker in the lab underneath the mansion. He’s a massive, hulking beast with a spiked arm, and he immediately proves he’s not to be trusted when he impales his “master” Wesker upon waking up; that's gratitude for you. 

He then proceeds to chase the player around the lab, and after you’ve finished crying and calling for mommy you summon the strength to shoot him down. The Tyrant creature would go on to be a series staple, reappearing in the form of Mr. X, Nemesis and just about every final boss creature in the series.

The original is arguably the most striking, and the mortal terror he induces has always lingered with fans; that, and blowing him up with the sweet !*$% rocket launcher in the final showdown.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.