20 Moments That Made The Resident Evil Series Iconic

3. The Dogs Jumping Through The Windows – Resident Evil

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Jump scares are often the cheapest way to provoke a response from the viewer; it’s the horror equivalent of sneaking up behind somebody and going “Boo!” really loudly. Still, some movies and games really earn their jumps, using them as the punchline to a long joke.

Arguably the best jump scare in gaming comes – once again – from the original game, where the player is walking down a well-lit, deathly quiet corridor, only for a zombie dog to smash through the window behind them. The player can just run away, only to face another dog breaking through just ahead of them.

It’s the ultimate “Oh s**t!” moment in a game crammed with them, and lets the player know that no matter how safe they feel, something bad could happen at any moment. The remake also had a nice twist on this moment, by having the windows crack initially, and then waiting a couple of hours before the dogs finally jumped through.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.