20 Moments That Made The Resident Evil Series Iconic

17. Getting Your Head Cut Off – Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil Tyrant.png

Resident Evil 4 was a controversial break from series formula at the time, adopting a third-person, over the shoulder perspective and putting more of an emphasis on combat than survival horror. It worked beautifully, though, so nobody could complain.

The game also had any number of gory deaths Leon could be on the receiving end of, like impalement on spikes or getting his face melted off by acid. The most shocking – and hilarious – death animation has to go to the Chainsaw Man, who can swiftly lop off the players head with a swing of his chainsaw.

It’s a jaw-dropping moment the first time it happens and lets the player know upfront Leon is going to die in a variety of messy ways throughout. 


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.