5 Wild Directions The Call Of Duty Series Could (Theoretically) Take

2. On-Rails Shooter For Mobile Devices

Call of Duty: Strike Team is a very well executed mobile CoD game, but I believe that there could be more market to cover with mobile games from this franchise. Specifically, there is always enough room for a great rail shooter, both on Android and iOS market. Since every single campaign of the entire series since Modern Warfare has been just a great flashy rollercoaster, why shouldn't a mobile version of that get some attention in this growing market? It would be really simple - just remove movement, script about five hours of stuff blowing up with people dying, and it's pretty much done! Now, add a load of weaponry and attachments to unlock, some bonus or survival levels and you have given the people some reason to return to the game to beat records and such. Since this isn't a proper franchise outing, it would be sold at about five to ten bucks a copy. Of course, multiplayer would have to be ditched with the exception of leader boards and/or possible co-op. But come on, this is phone gaming we're talking about. Those things aren't all that important yet. So what's there not to like? Hell, this could also be a weapon customisation app that connects to your Elite profile and enables skin or weapon trading. As we've said before, there is a lot of ground to be covered in the uncharted territory that is mobile gaming.

An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.