7 Ways PES 2018 Is Better Than FIFA 18

6. Gameplay Is Harder

PES 2018

With a little practice, it's actually not too much of a challenge to play FIFA 18 on Legendary difficulty. If that gives you palpitations, try to calm down. Seriously, once you've figured out that the CPU makes many of the same movements repeatedly regardless of what you're doing, it's not a stretch to keep a clean sheet and sneak those sliders up.

In PES, you'll be annihilated if you so much as try to play the game towards the higher end of the difficulty scale during your first few matches. Simply playing as a top class side like Barca and spamming the sprint button won't work this year. Players will have to adapt to ever-changing AI and teams who (wait for it) play like different teams.

EA have touted this feature for years, but we're yet to really see it in practice. It's refreshing then to notice differences between all of the major clubs in PES. Even lower-league teams play differently to their Premier League counterparts, and that's what we want from a footy title.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.