8 TV Shows That Should Be Video Games

5. Falling Skies

'Falling Skies' is a Spielberg-produced drama set in a world six moths after an alien invasion has hit. The series follows a group of survivors who have formed a military community and are fleeing the post-apocalyptic Boston in search of something better. With action, drama and even some heart-warming and touching narrative moments, Falling Skies is a series that could perfectly be adapted into an excellent video game. Since Falling Skies is set in a time where an alien invasion has devastated the entire planet, there is no need for the events of the game to have to stick to the events of the TV series. A video game version could focus on an entirely different set of survivors in an entirely different state or country. Though the ultimate goal of survival will inevitably be exactly the same as that of the characters in the show, the methods of achieving this can differ almost innumerably based on different personalities and landscapes in the game. I believe this game could operate a sandbox style similar to that of the Fallout series and that much of the gameplay style could take example from Bethesda's series as well. Players would start out alone, moving through the devastated world in search of sustenance and fellow survivors. After finding limited amounts of each the possibilities can open up before the player, with even simple choices like choosing to fight the alien invaders head on or attempting to constantly avoid notice ultimately affecting if they and their companions find safety in the end. There are a good number of successful games in the post-apocalyptic survival genre right now, but a game based on Falling Skies could definitely be a welcome addition to a collection based mostly around zombie games and is on I would love to see on shelves one day!

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.