8 TV Shows That Should Be Video Games

4. Person Of Interest

'Person of Interest' is the second Abrams-produced series to make this list, but with good reason. Person of Interest boasts another intriguing premise that would no doubt adapt very well to a video game. It's the strength of this show's protagonists, though, that could Person of Interest become an excellent game as well as an excellent series. In Person of Interest, former CIA agent John Reese is employed a by mysterious billionaire who years ago created a machine able to predict acts of terror and violence. Together, the two of them use the predictions of this machine to prevent these acts before they occur and thus save the lives of the individuals involved. The premise is similar to that of 'Minority Report', but is set right now rather than years in the future. A video game adaptation of the series would have to be episodic, but with a semi-sandbox world to explore. Investigation and action would go hand in hand and players would have to make use of intelligence and instinct when trying to predict the crime before being able to stop it. This game really would make players think about each case rather than spoon feeding them the clues and leaving them to just shoot all the bad guys. Now that premise sounds excellent, and I did say it was the series' protagonist that was its strongest point and I stand by that. Thanks in no small part to near perfect performances by Jim Caviezel, John Reese is at once mysterious, deadly and charming. He's the kind of person that you want to be in real life but since that's pretty much impossible, I'd definitely settle for playing as him in a video game adaptation of Person of Interest.

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.