8 TV Shows That Should Be Video Games

3. Doctor Who

Similarly to 'Dexter' earlier, to include 'Doctor Who' here is a bit controversial as there are games based on the series. The 'Doctor Who Adventure Games', however, are nowhere close to being the kind of game this iconic character deserves and so out of respect more than anything else, there NEEDS to be a decent console version to replace those cursed BBC-funded frustrations. A video game based on a TV series needs to have enough solid source material to draw on before it can attempt a successful adaptation. With Doctor Who, this source material is available in spades. A Doctor Who video game has an entire universe of locations, characters, lore and feuds to draw on; any combination of these could be employed to create an engaging and true to the series story for players to involve themselves in. A video game adventure for the Doctor could take inspiration from Mass Effect; replacing the Normandy with the TARDIS and sending players bouncing around space and time as they complete tasks and collect favours from characters on various planets before ultimately focussing in on one key narrative point. The Doctor has many friends, but he has even more enemies; a video game story could focus simply on one race's quest for revenge against the man they thing has wronged them so horribly in the past. The possibilities really are endless for a Doctor Who game and I've only touched on some of the simplest. Highlights for the game could include bumping into old companions, exploring some of the famous internals of the TARDIS and perhaps even the chance to play through some memory sequences as older incarnations of the dapper Timelord.

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.