8 TV Shows That Should Be Video Games

2. S.H.I.E.L.D.

Woah, woah, slow down there, buddy; this show hasn't even been cast yet! What are you doing turning it into a video game already? Relax, we're merely musing about series that could make good video game adaptations and based on what I've heard about 'S.H.I.E.L.D.' so far, this could certainly be one. Recent announcements about the series have revealed that none of the show's protagonists have featured in the Marvel universe before and that all have been conceived solely for the series. This doesn't necessarily mean that we won't occasionally get to see Nick Fury or some of the other Marvel juggernauts, but it does meant that the series is going to place a focus on the lowly supporting agents at SHIELD rather than their superhuman counterparts. This has been a decision met by quite some negativity so far, but for me it'll be a strength of the show and is also a reason this series could make an excellent video game adaptation. Sure, everybody wants to be Spider-Man or Captain America, but how many times have you played a superhero game and been happy with the outcome? Probably very few as video games typically don't do justice to iconic characters like this. The opportunity to work as one of the cogs in the grand machine that is SHIELD could just give players the ideal opportunity to take a satisfactory role in the Marvel universe, though, and this kind of thing has been done before. Years ago LucasArts released 'Republic Commando', a Star Wars game that put players in control of a team of clone soldiers rather than a Jedi or Sith and it was, for me, one of their greatest and most rewadring games yet. I'd definitely love the chance to take up a similar role in the Marvel universe.

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.