8 Video Game Characters You Should Never Fall In Love With

7. Cole Phelps - LA Noire

final fantasy 7 crisis core zack

Imagine those poor fools playing L.A. Noire for the first time nowadays and thinking Cole Phelps is going to be a "boring" character. Suckers.

Now to be fair, I think we were all sufficiently gazumped by the shocking mid game twist of Phelp's character arc, seeing as up until this point he'd flown as straight as an arrow right into the hearts of criminals and those who do not respect the rule of "hat"

(The rule of hat is that if you shoot it off in combat then I'm going TO MURDER YOU SO HARD)

Yet there was an almighty glass shattering moment that changed not only fan perception on Phelps but actively saw a player decline at this point, with many not finishing out the game as they hated the twist that much.

This moment of course comes when Phelps decides to spend more than just an afternoon down at The Blue Room with Elsa Lichtmann.

I remember playing this scene through and actively feeling like I'd skipped about forty chapters in the book entitled "WHAT THE f**k ARE YOU DOING PHELPS" as suddenly you'd seen a character arc change direction so hard that you could legitimately sue for whiplash. Worse still, not only was Cole's affair made public by his toad of a partner in order to draw attention away from the corrupt police at the LAPD, but the actual affair itself was delivered to the player in a truly offhanded manner.

We didn't get to see the allure of Elsa for ourselves, instead we were effectively told rather than shown that the pair were now embroiled in a love affair stickier than those gosh dang tar pits. It was utterly crushing to see what seemed like the last good police officer going fall to Vice so very very hard, to the point that many actually turned on Phelps for the rest of the game and actively resented playing as him for the remainder.

Still more fool us for believing that any bastion of hope would remain in a game so focused on the murkiness of the human soul eh? I mean Noire was in the title after all.

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